If you’re just starting out as a beginner commercial real estate investor you might be trying to figure out how to land the best deals from commercial real estate brokers. How can you win against the experienced investors that the brokers have access to? How do you get the broker to give you … [Read more...]
Accessing Apartments Rocket Science
As apartments are how I earn my income, I pretty much go over numbers every single day. They’re either my financials or somebody else’s. While I’m meeting with property managers or customers, the attention is on numbers every time – earnings collected, negligent income, income we will never receive, … [Read more...]
5 Methods to Getting Lucky on Your First Apartment Investment
There are people that continuously seem to get lucky in locating and attaining ideal apartment deals. I bet you wish you were one of them! Don’t people that are always lucky drive you mad sometimes? How do you turn into one of the lucky ones? What is it that you are not doing? What should you be … [Read more...]
The Easiest Way to do Apartment Deals without Real Estate Agents
When that annoying real estate agent is getting in your way of making an amazing and creative deal with the seller, what can you do? This is quite a smart question, and something you should definitely know the answer to. Time and time again, I am faced with this dilemma with investment deals. … [Read more...]