There are people that continuously seem to get lucky in locating and attaining ideal apartment deals. I bet you wish you were one of them! Don’t people that are always lucky drive you mad sometimes? How do you turn into one of the lucky ones? What is it that you are not doing? What should you be doing differently?
Who wouldn’t love to get lucky and not only discover your first deal, but in fact close on it? Well, read on my comrade…
I received this email the a few days ago from a leadership trainer and it contained something I have confidence in being insightful, yet so guileless. His email discussed five ways to make yourself luckier. After reading the email, I contemplated these 5 things and regarded my life achievements and approved 100% of what he stated. Here’s what he said and I will even add further information as it relates to real estate investing.
-5 Ways to Create More Luck-
Flow –
Live in the moment. Be unstructured and stay that way! Have you ever gotten into the flow with one thing and when everything is going amazing, you crawl your way out of the flow? This is from overthinking things. Next time you are in the flow, be aware of the negativity creeping into your brain. Your mind controls what you choose to do in each situation. So when a amazing opportunity comes along, do not push it away because of doubt or fear. Push forward no matter what and flow with the deal so that it can take its course because this could be your lucky deal.
Arise from Love –
There are only two ways to walk through life: With fear, or with love. Arising from love means you are coming from “more than enough” – and that’s a pulsation that others’ can sense. Then, move in on your deals with love and consideration and watch the magic enfold. People are not interested in what you know until you demonstrate that you care. If you use this approach, I assure you deals and prospects will come to light! I am sure of it!
Originate from Service –
Most individuals are caught in WIIFM: “What’s In It for Me?” Truly prosperous individuals are service-minded people who are tweaked to WCIDFU: “What Can I Do for You?” This is the key to reaching extraordinary accomplishments in real estate. Originate from this outlook when you’re attempting to get the seller’s enthusiasm or throughout negotiations and you’ll upsurge your odds of a prosperous result by 10 folds.
Trust –
Understand that you do not need to know everything before you begin. Just go for it.
Action –
Just do SOMETHING. Taking no action is the most disastrous action of them all. Remember, indecisiveness is a decision all its own, and has its own penalties. If you do not take action, events will govern you, you will be continually reacting instead of acting. The bottom line is life rewards action.
These are 5 qualities of really prosperous people. The wealth I’m speaking of involves money, relationships, family, and wellbeing. So, if you are ready to place yourself into a place where you can “be luckier” and experience life to the fullest (the way it should be!), take a long look at these 5 qualities and ask yourself if you have any or all of them. It’s just a matter of time before your ideal deal turns up because of them. If not, it is never too late. Be purposeful in making the alterations required to be successful and to display each of these traits.